Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging is an agency designed by the state and federal governments to coordinate services. This entails planning, research, coordination and development. JAAA acts as a point of access to the aging network by providing direct services that include information/assistance, outreach and case management.
Also, Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, by partnerships with numerous community agencies, coordinates the implementation of the delivery of services. The objective to providing the services is to foster independence in frail seniors to help them remain in their own homes as long as possible.
Many changes are occurring both locally and nationally that affect JAAA and other agencies serving the elderly. Agencies are dealing with an increased need for services and with decreases in funding. All agencies are being asked to do more with less.
Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging is one of 11 agencies on aging in Kansas. As the one that is located in the capital city, it is JAAA’s goal to become the shining star of the eleven. When visitors ask our State Legislators and Department on Aging staff about aging issues and the role of agencies on aging, JAAA will be the nearest example of the work all 11 agencies do. Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging is striving to be the best example of the integral role agencies on aging play in aging services and issues.